03 Jun

I have not given much priority to travelling, diving, hiking and blogging since August last year, due to a series of unfortunate events, relocation and new work demand. I do miss all those moments. From the last hiking until today, I have been to France twice to visit Ian, China twice for work, and Japan (Hokkaido) once while it was freezing cold. I have not hiked just once yet. 

Last week, a staff from Sarawak Forestry dropped me an enquiry on our company product. Her enquiry didn't spark as much interest as the word "Sarawak Forestry" did to me. I started googling, what does Sarawak Forestry do. Perhaps it is a timely "CALLING". 

Much to my interest, this agency serves a very crucial role in safeguarding and promoting the national parks and nature reserves in Sarawak. Going through the pictures of those parks and their write up, I started to recall those times when I hiked the national parks in France, and those time that I walked in Bako, Niah and Mulu national parks many years back. I started to recall, I still have a website called natureobsessor.com  (gosh...)

Everyone tends to change their priorities. And sometimes, we are so lost in work and unnecessarily busy life that we forget the importance of spending some good time and enjoying the moment. As I gather more information on the national parks, the thought of visiting all these parks start to form. The thought that I must make time to connect with the nature and to calibrate my priorities comes back again. 

I know I might not have the discipline to do so if i do not put it down in record. So, here I am, putting it down in record - to start the adventure of visiting all the 14 National Parks in Sarawak over many weekends, starting end of this week. 

Photos courtesy to https://sarawakforestry.com/national-parks/ 


There is no reflection in this blog. Instead, I would like to invite, if any of you would like to join this adventure, let me know. 

Let the adventure begins. And let's enjoy the moment. 

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