21 May

Dolomites Mountain Range (21-25 May 2021) 

How did I end up visiting Italy Dolomites Mountain Range? After booking the tickets to Pyrenees, I continued browsing the Youtube and internet. Italy Dolomites came out as another recommended destination. Perhaps it was the prolonged lockdown, perhaps it was adrenaline and dopamine rush after booking the Pyrenees trip, perhaps it was my love for the nature. Or perhaps, I was just trying to find peace in the nature, trying to escape from the harsh reality. Whatever the reason was, Dolomites turned out to be my second “get close to nature” trip of the year.    After learning from my Pyrenees trip that there were other students who are keen to join such trip, again I put up a simple itinerary in the groupchat. Within hours, I got a Wechat reply from Eddy. This was the first time I talked to Eddy, who eventually became one of my best friends in the campus. Jaime (a friend from Peru) eventually decided to join us. 

Ticket Hiccup 

One of my friends made a blunder while purchasing his ticket. After purchasing my tickets for €164, I decided to go for a jog around the lake near the campus chateau. Before leaving my room, I shared the flight itinerary with him. After two hour slow run, I saw a message from him. “I have bought my ticket, total €600”. This can’t be real! I just bought mine for €164, and the ticket shot up to €600 in 2 hours’ time? I immediately contacted him. Somethings must have gone wrong! It turned out that he purchased the ticket separately from the official page of each individual airline. I felt so bad not reminding him to go through the Google recommended platform to purchase the combined tickets. A difference of €436 is a lot. It is more than enough to pay for everyone’s accommodations through the trip. Once I got back to the hostel, I immediately went to his room. We checked through his tickets and found out that all his tickets came with a provision of 24-48 hours free cancelation. We immediately canceled those ticket and sought for refund. At the same time, we went through Google recommended platform to repurchase the combined ticket. 

The trip highlights 

21 May – we left the campus early as we were taking flight from CDG airport. A short transit in Zurich airport and off we flew to Venice Marco Polo airport. While transit in Zurich, I had a great exchange with Eddy on different political ideologies, and the future of China. We picked up our car at Venice airport. The frontdesk lady offered us an “upgrade” to Skoda Octavia. We scratched our head, from BMW Series 1 to Skoda Octavia was considered as an “upgrade”? There was only 3 of us, with small bags, we couldn’t comprehend why the proposal. So, we decided to stick with our BMW Series 1. As we walked to the car, we were amazed. It turned out to be BMW-118i M Sport. And how dare the lady proposed us to “upgrade” to Skoda Octavia. 

From the airport, we drove to Decathlon to purchase shoes and walking sticks, grocery store to stock up our foods, and nearby McDonald to have our first meal in Italy. Then off we drove to our AirBnb in Predazzo area. It was a very scenic drive, with snow still visible along the roadsides as we got closer to our destination. 

At some points, there were wild deer walking near the roadside. Once we arrived at the AirBnb, Eddy turned into a busy man in the kitchen. 

22 May – we started our day with a short drive to Lake Kareeza, or better known as Lago di Carezza. This insta-famous lake, didn’t disappoint us. 

However, there was a shocking discovery behind the row of trees that showed up as a perfect reflection in the lake. Behind the thin row of the pine trees, deforestation took place. It was claimed as a sustainable deforestation. So much of a “sustainable” that the slope behind the thin row of pine trees was almost bare. I started to ponder “is sustainability too hyped up, that people can make claim of sustainability as a façade to the sin they have done”. 

After a stroll, we went back to our AirBnb to refresh, then back to Lago di Careeza again, hoping to get a better weather for some photo shoots. After taking lunch, we proceeded to the first real hike of the day. It was a hike at Alpe di Siusi (Seiser Alm in German, Mont Sëuc in Ladin). The day hike began with the Mont Sëuc gondola ascent from the village of Ortisei in Val Gardena to Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm, in the Italian Dolomites. We hiked through Europe’s largest mountain plateau to Saltria and then slowly descended to the Monte Pana plateau. 

The hike ends in the village of Santa Cristina in Val Gardena. The last 2 kilometres, Eddy’s legs started to cramp, and we slowed down our pace as we descended the slope. If only we opted for a mountain bike, we could have avoided this. So much of “if only” right?   We ordered a cab to ferry us from village of Santa Cristina back to Val Gardena. From Val Gardena, we started our journey to Calalzo di Cadore. We drove through a mountain range and stopped at one Hotel Restaurant to get our dinner (take away). The drive to Calalzo di Cadore turned out to be longer than we thought. By the time we reached our 2nd AirBnb, it was already 10pm at night. Everyone needed the rest badly. 

23 May – recuperating from the torment we suffered through the long hike the day before, all of us decide to take a good rest, and not opting for any hike this morning. After taking breakfast, we drove to Venice Marco Polo airport to take PCR test, as a pre-requisite to take flight. We got used to the free PCR test in France. The €115 charged at the Venice Airport, made us realize that we have taken the free PCR test in France for granted. After the test, we drove to Venice canal area. The weather was perfect for day trip in Venice. 

Be very careful with the "robber" or "snatch thief" when you are having your meal at the square. The seagull knows the perfect timing and angle to snatch your food, even if the food is in your hand. Jaime, our Peruvian friend, has his last piece of pizza snatched away by the sky diving seagull. 

Back from Venice, I witnessed one of the most amazing sunset gloom ever in my life. 

24 May – It was time to check out again. After taking breakfast and tidying up the house, we went to Lago di Brais. The scenery at this lake, was unreal, as if we were in a fantasy world. 

From Lago di Brais, we continued our journey back to Venice, and checked in to a hotel, finally. We still had some free time, and decided to pay a visit to the Venice canal one more time. 

25 May – We had a very early morning flight. After dropping our car back to the rental company, reluctantly, we walked to the airport and bid farewell to Italy. 

My transport, accommodation, and F&B:- 

Transports – flight ticket €164, and BMW Series 1 sport edition €170. 

Accommodation -  

  • 1 night stay in Corso Dolomiti, 81, Predazzo, Trentino-Alto Adige 38037, Italy €122 
  • 2 night stay in Via Giacomelli, 97, Calalzo di Cadore, Veneto 32042, Italy €171 
  • 1 night stay in Hotel Altieri, Altinia 51, 30173 Italy, near Venice Canal €87 (3 hotel rooms) 

F&B –  

We have a great chef in Eddy, who has managed all our meals from morning to night. Other than the Pizza and McDonald we had in Venice canal and Venice town, all other meals were prepared by Eddy.   

My 3 Plus and 2 Minus:- 

3 things I like about this trip: 

  1. Travelling in a small group, we had a great lot of opportunities to have good conversation, to get to know each other. The friendship we built was priceless, with some unforgettable memories, e.g., the seagull diving from the sky and snatched the last piece of Jaime’s pizza in Venice, the moment when our friend’s leg cramped, and we decided to slow down our pace descending to Val Gardena. 
  2. 2 time visits to Venice canals. Due to the need to do PCR test at the airport, we went to Venice after the test. 
  3. The surprisingly good car from the rental company. 

2 thing I would do differently if I can turn back the clock:   

  1. The PCR test in Venice Airport, costed us a fortune. It was €115/ person. Travelling during Covid Pandemic comes with test uncertainties. Learning from this PCR test surprise, I would now always check the requirement before planning a trip to any out of France destination. 
  2. Plan a longer trip in summer time, to put in buffer days in case of foggy weather on any of those days. Our visit to Lago di Braies would be more pleasant if it was less foggy on that particular morning. Besides, we didn’t make it to Seceda too, as the cable car has yet to resume operation.   

Surprise learning of the trip:- Eddy loves cooking as much as I do, and both Eddy and Jaime always keep the space clean and tidy. This trip, 3 students decided to go on a trip together even though they barely know each other well, and it ended with a strong friendship forged.

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