"Would it burn a hole in the pocket travelling this tiny country?" E1 trail in Luxembourg - the highest GDP/Capita nation in the world.

  •  15-09-2021 12:00 AM

"Focus on what we can control, work on what we can influence and don't drain your energy on circle of concern" - Ecrin national park hiking, for a night photography that didn't happen

  •  09-09-2021 12:00 AM

"If you truly love nature you will find beauty everywhere" (by Vincent Van Gosh), and that includes in the middle of Atlantic Ocean. A solo 7 days trip to Sao Miguel, the largest of the 9 islands in Azores archipelago

  •  01-09-2021 09:45 PM

"We can cry over the lost photos, or we can create new memories, taking new photos, and the choice is entirely our own" - A 8 days road trip and hiking at Chamonix mountain range, to create new memory, take new photos.

  •  05-07-2021 11:24 AM

Dolomites and Venice trip - We went to Italy barely knowing each other. We came back forging a great friendship.

  •  21-05-2021 03:33 PM

”Tiredness”, is a state of mind, just like “we are almost there”, another state of mind. This is the first national park I visited in France, and also the starting point of my quest to visit the other 7 national parks in France

  •  13-05-2021 02:20 PM